


It seems like I do a good bit of my people watching while waiting for the church service to start each Sunday.  Where else do you get the opportunity to see 1000+ people interacting and buzzing around?  Weekend before last, I was finally able to see The Help, which has now racketed its way up into my top 5 favorite movies ever.  As I was sitting in church Sunday, I just started tearing up at the fact that last weekend I was watching such a gross mistreatment based upon skin color, and fast-forward to the 21st century, and I’m sitting in a room filled with believers of all different colors, shapes and sizes.  It really was a completely moving thing.  

That’s all good and well and not so completely coincidental, right? Well that was until we were introduced to our movie for the week for Highlands’ At the Movies series— Remember the Titans.  My jaw literally dropped when they started playing scenes from this movie.  The sermon wasn’t necessarily only about race, but more about reconciling differences between yourself and God.  However, the whole theme was reconciliation, and that definitely applies to The Help.  Sure it took basically centuries in order to get to the point where we can see each other as equals, but the contrast between The Help and then sitting in a church service worshiping together was just really moving to me. I always say this, but it never ceases to amaze me at how God can take things that you’re working through in your mind and link them together into a nice little package, no postage required. 


  1. Don't you love how God seems to write us love letters...that are sometimes more like wakeup calls?! I hadn't processed The Help like that, but I really appreciate your perspective on it :) Thank you!!! oxo

  2. Angela isn't it great, it seems I have been moved in so many ways that are serendipidous!

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  3. Beautiful post! They are both wonderful movies. Each definitely reminds us how far we have come and that it was not too long ago. God always helps us come full circle and to gain perspective on our situation.

    Hope you have a blessed Labor Day!


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