


My friends know that during breaks, I usually have a countdown going. As in, at the beginning of May, before school's even out, I've already figured out how many days until we are back in again and have scribbled it down in my Lilly planner. I post it on every social media outlet, and if I don't, I get the texts from my friends like, "What's today's count?" Well, this picture could not have come at a more appropriate time to remind me to live in the moment.
This summer is actually a little bit different. I have a job (read: something to actually do) this summer, so I've been busy and not sitting around wishing time away. Maybe it's because this 5th year/victory lap is not going to be the same as years' past, and all of my friends will not be walking the Samford sidewalks with me. For whatever reason, the countdown never actually made it from pen to paper. However, I'm still longing, longing, longing to be back in my home sweet home of Birmingham. I've started telling anyone who will listen how many days until I hit the highways on my journey "home" . . . 31 to be exact. But am I missing out on the place and opportunity God has called me to because I am in a daze of passing time? Someone called me out on that recently. Actually, a couple of people. "Stop wishing your life away." "Enjoy now." I feel certain they are right. I'm excited to go back, but I need to stay in the now. I'm trying to listen to the Lord's voice and meditate on this verse as well:
"Whatever you do, work HEARTILY, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ." 
-Colossians 3:23-24 


  1. Great post, Angela. Priorities in line here.
    Love you.

  2. Angela, this post was for ME! Thank you so much! I can't tell you how much this has been on my heart lately! In fact, this will let you know just a little bit…today, as Holly and Brad drove off for Atlanta for a final interview…I actually had 2 door to door salesmen ring my door bell! Silly me, I thought it was Fed Ex! Long story short…45 minutes later I was enjoying talking to them and they were asking ME why I even talked to them! They were definitely seeking something…and that something was the Lord! If I hadn't taken the time to talk to them…I would have missed out!!! I never take the time to stop and see what God has planned for each day…I have my days planned out! I want to stop doing that and focus on the other's around me and rely on the Lord to lead me where He wants me to go! I may tell a different story tomorrow…when we here from Holly! ( sort of just kidding) but I will always remember to stop and see what is going on around me! Thanks for sharing your heart! I really do want to make my days count for something…if not, they will count for NOTHING!!!

  3. great post! I have the same problem where i start to jump ahead instead of enjoying the moment. Definitely something I need to work on!

  4. Angela,
    my first time here and wow, your words are spot on. The exact same verse was tucked in my pocket as I walked my dog on the path and repeated those words. Living for today and knowing that the glory is in serving the Lord.
    Perfect... to love and to serve....what more can one want with those words being the part of every action today.


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